Signed in as:
Signed in as:
I am a mindfulness, meditation, and movement guide and devotee. When I began practicing mindfulness and meditation, it became clear to me that up until that point I had been living my life outside of myself.
For as long as I could remember, I sought reward from outside sources, identified with myself as others saw me, and accepted society's definitions of happiness, success, and beauty (to name a few).
I was unaware that another way of living existed and hadn't realized the influence this had on my ideas of good and bad, right and wrong, success and failure, until I started looking inward.
Ask yourself, "Whose lens am I viewing my life through? How much of my life am I truly experiencing?" When I asked myself these questions, my answers were, "Not my own lens, and not much of my life."
It is through mindfulness, meditation, and movement that I have returned to my true self, and in doing so have begun to experience life on a whole new level.
~ Mindfulness & Meditation Guide
~ Qigong Instructor
~ Primal Movement Instructor
~ Ambassador, The Beauty Boost Pittsburgh
~ Wellness Facilitator, Bella Terra Stables
~ Partner, Vision Partying
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"The key to returning to your true self is in the word return. It is not a pursuit, but rather an uncovering, a return to the person you were put on this earth to be."
- Jana Reynolds